Tackleberry split up = end ???

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Soooo, since most people seem to know this already, we may just as well make it official. We haven't met for practice in months (although we do meet for an occasional swim in the Baltic or Gin Tonic) and didn't play a single show since fall 2011. Now, one might come to a simple conclusion: We split up. Plain and simple.Well, yes and no. We didn't split up yet. But we will split up in December. Sorry. This means that there are gonna be a few final shows. Berlin and certainly Cologne, because of all the tremendous support and friendships we have experienced in these cities over the years. And Kiel, Alte Meierei of course. Clearly, we invited some great friends to come play with us those last times. We'll announce details soonish.

Also,we have a few new songs that we don't wanna just throw away. So, expect another 7” for those last shows.
Now, you probably wanna hear why we chose to disband? It's simple: "The singer turned to Jesus and the drummer moved away.” Well ... half-true. (Does anyone recognize the quote,though?)
Seriously, there isn't really a reason to split up other than there isn't really a reason to continue, I guess. We're simply done with this. Jumped the shark, sort of. “The worm is out” as we said when we, all serious, got to speak about our future and confused the german proverbs “die Luft ist raus” and “da ist der Wurm drin”. We've never been good with seriousness, so this silly pun pretty aptly describes the way we realized there wasn't really a future for us. Silly jokes instead of tears, accusations, fights.
Anyway, years ago, we reached every single “goal” that this band ever had. Everything else was just icing on the cake. And those few things we've never managed to do ( touring those reaaally far-off places) simply didn't get any more realistic over time.
Speaking of which, there is of course always the time issue. We're all really caught up in serious non-punk bullshit like university and work. We've always been sure that this wasn't gonna be an after work sort of band. But that's exactly what it became, ever so slowly.
Luckily, there's still punk stuff like other bands in our lives:
Hannes still sings in Affenmesserkampf. They're very, very good, I swear.
Max and Peder still play in Diane Parker's Little Accidents and probably always will.
Aiko plays in a couple of more recently established bands like The One and Warehouse.
Peder also plays the drums in No Weather Talks.
Kris (Henri Parker) and Vosser (Grand Griffon) are doing fine in their respective bands as well.
Ok, the only thing left to say is how truly grateful we are for the past 8 years.
I hope we can, at least partly, make it up to you with those last shows.
-Süsze Grüsze! TB


+1 #11 PussyKad 2012-08-08 06:05
ich dachte so vom Gefühl - ohne konkrete infos - dass da eh schon Feierabend gewesen sei. Finde ich doch nett, sich bei dem Vorlauf abzumelden. Das D.E.P. Video musste ich bei der ersten Mütze ausschalten. Schade, versuche ich vielleicht später noch einmal, oder auch nicht. Kä Kä Kä ke Kä ke kä
+1 #10 Andy 2012-08-07 23:25
Geil, das Video hat mich noch dümmer gemacht. Wenigstens zeigt es, dass es noch junge Bands gibt die richtig Bock haben und es wird immer wieder tolle Bands wie D.E.P geben, die Posern wie TB zeigen was echter Hardcore ist. Oder so.
+1 #9 stäff 2012-08-07 18:16
0 #8 gaardenpunx 2012-08-07 16:15
verantwortlich: Destrucktion Crew
+2 #7 bockfred 2012-08-06 20:49
Ich finde der rest der meierei kann auch stehen bleiben, die menschen und die instrumente auf der bühne braucht danach ja niemand mehr.
+2 #6 DoctorJoyBoyLove 2012-08-06 19:26
..bis auf Meierei-Mikros und -PA, wenn's geht. Instrumente und Menschen wären okay.
+2 #5 Philipp 2012-08-06 16:19
Knoten ins Taschentuch: Beim allerletzten Konzert muss unbedingt ALLES kaputtgemacht werden. In Trauer: Philipp.
0 #4 DoctorJoyBoyLove 2012-08-06 15:38
Genauso denke ich da auch drüber. Man hat der Band in letzter Zeit schon etwas angemerkt, dass "die Luft raus ist". Eben weil die Band zuvor über einige Jahre zurecht (nicht nur in Kiel) einen wirklichen Ausnahmestatus hatte (große Fallhöhe!). Irgendwie war das fast so eine Art eigene kleine Szene, die sich nach und nach wieder aufgelöst hat. Ich freu mich auf die letzten Gigs.
+3 #3 Andy 2012-08-06 10:49
ja war, bis vor einiger Zeit. Gibt aber genug andere gute Bands und man sollte als Band auch wissen wann Schluß ist.
0 #2 stäff 2012-08-06 09:40
das war mit abstand kiels beste hc-band! schade!

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