SATAN'S WIFE (Hardrock / Gaarden (NY) )
- Details
- Kategorie: Fruit Encyclopedia
- Veröffentlicht: Dienstag, 30. November 1999 00:00
- Geschrieben von Matt
- Zugriffe: 3732
Satan’s Wife will participate under the following conditions:
- We will provide our own Groupies
- You provide the Beer.
- We need a 40 inch –Ramp and tons of Gasoline for our Motorcycle-Stunt Show (not to be shown in Public – just for the backstage-area!)
- A 360°full-mirrored dressing-room
- You won’t sue us if the venue gets burned down during the after-show.
- We need a family-set of protein-pills for our steroid-addicted drummer Dick Stikk